View Profile Panzermanathod

102 Movie Reviews

20 w/ Responses


Um....*spider-fan, spider-fan
buys spidey stuff, whenever he can
fake-ass web shooters
spidey pooper scoopers
look out!
Here comes the spider-fan!"

Yeah...that's not really a review. ...bye...

Nice movie. One of the best in the series.

The only other thing I must ask is, what is the name of the end credits theme.

Kirbopher responds:

The opening theme of Rockman X4 for PS1. Good luck finding the MP3.


Killing, maining, slaghtering...excellent. Now to part 2.

Great for a first try

Though, if you're gonna have music, don't change it so often. I also would have liked a few more character specific moves. Still, it's nice to see a Goku look-alike (if you played the game and seen his mug shot, you people would know what I mean. I think the DBZ animated also made the photos for this game also...anyway) and the coolest amphibian with a sword duke it out.

Well, it seemed like you tried.

Honestly, it wasn't that good. The begining was borderline boring, the fight was stupid (I didn't mind the length, but in a Smash brothers parody, the fighting needs flair, something severly lacking it this department). I'll still check out part 2 when it comes out though. And was was Luigi on? Crack?

ZyneXx responds:

Maybe luigi smoked a few joints?

fairly decent

Nice concept, bad execution. Most of the movie seemed to just drag on. Nice try though.

mmm...banana phone....

That is all...

.....the song.....

"the 'almighty' Tenguman?"

Very funny, niceley animated, and you pronounced Bass's name correctly.

And Treble was ALWAYS better than Rush.

And in one review, I think Treble was called a bear. Treble is a wolf.

This has the best voice acting I've heard in a flash animation. You even have the evil laughs done right!

One con though...sometimes, the characters looked crosseyed.

As for who is better between Tenguman and Bass...well...I haven't seen Tengu in a fight that much. I've fought him once or twice before, but that's it...

What about me?

Age 37, Male


ain't tellin'

Joined on 12/29/02

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