View Profile Panzermanathod

20 Game Reviews

3 w/ Responses

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Needs more meat.

Good game, but needs more meat to it. And there must be a reason why everyone is just waling around you, and you have a gun, and no one seems to mind too much.

Come on....

This is just horrid.

0Chaos0 responds:

Cant please everyone dude

Decent at best

I suggest you work on the controls. They didn't feel right. And the graphics are so-so.

The-Mercenary responds:

Dont worry about the controls, it takes a while to get used to, but I assure you, its the easiest set up for the game, It wont be too confusing once you play the full game, its just that I didnt bother making a tutorial for the demo, you'll see what I mean after you pass the tutorial. The graphics are NOT the best I can do, But As you can tell, having great graphics isnt gonna help the game because it'll lag.

Nicely done Stati

Hopefully, theres another one coming out. And for those who can't use the extra weapons, you obviously havent played a megaman game. You must pause it, then select a weapon.

This was a bit easier, and this bosses pattern was easier to exploit, but still a fun game.

I don't care about Halo

But I really don't care about giving a warthog a paint job.

God has heard my cry!!!!!1

*Jumps for joy, thens plays some more*

Nice beat em up

I really likes the tate effects

Too bad it's a demo

But still good

very "dies" good

It's "dies" just "dies"a "dies"bit "dies"difficult for"dies" me."dies""dies""dies"... ..drat

very good

sound=0=no speakers

Work on graphics

What about me?

Age 37, Male


ain't tellin'

Joined on 12/29/02

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